Scientific Journal ISSN 1991-0533

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For authors



I Making your articles

According to the decision of the Presidium of the Higher Attestation Commission, RF Ministry of Education of 02.03.2012 № 8/13 "On the list of peer-reviewed scientific journals and publications to publish major scientific results of dissertations" in the journal welcomes articles and materials that meet the following requirements.

  1. The articles should contain the reasons of relevance, precise statement of the goals and objectives of the research, scientific reasoning, synthesis and conclusions of interest for their originality, scientific and practical importance, must be recommended by the Department at the place of study (work)of the author. All the articles submitted for publication in the journal «Vestnik of Rostov state university of economics» mandatory criteria are checked for correctness of providing scientific information, given its borrowing rules are reviewed by the editorial staff of of the journal and returned to the authors for review. The articles are available in the format «*.doc» или «*.docx».
  2. Recommended to specify the place of work of all authors and contact information for correspondence online.
  3. Requirements for formatting of scientific articles:
    1. the text of article should be typed font Times New Roman, size - 14, a half interval, indent the first line - 0.75. Sheet size A4 (210 * 297 mm). On the page of the manuscript should be not more than 30 linesin which each row no more than 65 symbols including blanks between words. Fields manuscript should be: top, right, left - 25 mm and bottom - 30 mm. Page numbering in the right upper corner of the sheet;
    2. drawings should be of high quality, clear, all of the labels must be clearly visible (only the font Times New Roman), please indicate the source or authorship of each drawing by using a subscript references to used book, article, or other materials;
    3. the table 12 by a size typed single-spaced, without isolation columns (without filling) must specify the source or authorship of each table using the subscript references to used book, article, or other materials;
    4. the Equation Editor - MS Word, the font - Times New Roman, variables - in italics, Greek - right, Russian - right;
    5. the title of the article is printed in lowercase. Initials and surname of the author (s) should be written on the title of the article (for reviews and information materials at the end of the article). Title bounces two intervals above and below (the text);
    6. in the text should use the minimum number of tables and illustrative material. The round brackets are used only in the text;
    7. references in square brackets, numbering sequentially links for article footnotes placed at the end of the article (bibliography) with a precise indication output data;
    8. foreign literature issued by the same rules;
    9. article must contain a brief abstract and keywords, a list of references. These data, names of authors and articles are in Russian and English;
    10. total manuscripts are limited to 12 pages, in accordance with the requirements for registration.
  4. For the article on the paper attached electronic version as a separate file author information (name, surname, place of work, study, position, telephone, e-mail, home address). Should send the information files as the email address - vestnic.rsue @
  5. In accordance with the requirements for inclusion numbers scientific periodical the journal «Vestnik of Rostov state university of economics» or its translated version in a foreign language in the system of citing Web of Science, Scopus, Web of Knowledge, the text of the article should be submitted in two variants: Russian and English.

Manuscripts without complying with the above rules are not considered. The Editorial Board reserves the right to shorten the paper if necessary, to expose them to editorial revision and send the authors for improvement. Date of receipt of the article, sent back for revision, is considered the day of her return to the office.

II Information in English

Information in English include:

  1. english version of the surname, name and patronymic of the author, title of article translation into English;
  2. article abstract in English (1000-1500 printed characters, including spaces) and the original text annotations in Russian;
  3. english translation of keywords.

III About the Authors

Information include:

  • surname, first nameand patronymic (in full);
  • academic degree (if any);
  • position, a structural unit (department / laboratory / sector, etc.), the name of your organization without abbreviations, city;
  • e-mail

IV The article should contain JEL Classifier (JEL Classification Codes) (after the title of the article)

V The text of the article should be structured according to the IMRAD format - Introduction, Materials and methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusion.

In the same file specified:

  • name and number of the specialty for which written article;
  • surname, name, patronymic supervisor (consultant) for candidates for a degree candidate (Dr.) of Science, degree, title, place of work;
  • contact phone number (only required for communication with the author amended);
  • mailing address.